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CCC Archives

Page history last edited by Sylvia Neely 11 years, 1 month ago

We've been busy since we started in 2009. Check out what our members have been up to.


Summer 2013


Ice Cream Social


In what has now become a beloved tradition, PA IPL and the Creation Care Coalition will be having an ice cream social again this summer.  The social will be Sunday, August 25 from 3-5 p.m. at Grace Lutheran Church in State College.  If the weather is good, we'll be outside; if not, we'll meet in Harkins Hall in the basement at Grace.  Come to enjoy the ice cream and the wonderful company.



Spring 2012


  • Three local members of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light recently returned from a four-day ride to Washington to advocate for just climate change legislation. Learn more.
    Join us for Bike to Worship Weekend, May 18-20, 2012. Ride your bike (or walk or run) to your place of worship. Join the Creation Care Coalition for a picnic on May 20. 
  • See the table of contents at the right for ways to foster action on climate change in your faith community.



Jan, 14, 2011

University Baptist and Brethren Church’s Social Awareness and  Action Committee held a pizza and movie night Friday, Jan. 14th, 2011, featuring the film “No Impact Man.” It’s the story of a self-described “guilty New York liberal” who decides that he and his family should spend a year living off the grid so as to make “no impact” environmentally. The film takes a look at habits we can change in order to make a difference.


Sept. 12, 2010 Tend and Sustain it Forever.

A great series of events on Judaism and Sustainability sponsored by the Penn State Jewish Studies Department and run by CCC member Paula Hesse, beginning Sept. 12.  Click here for more info.


Sept 24-25, 2010  PA-IPL Kick-off

The Creation Care coalition joined forces with individuals and organizations through Pennsylvania to form the Pennsylvania Chapter of Interfaith Power and Light. See highlights of the kick-off on the PA-IPL website.


Aug. 15, 2010 Ice Cream Sunday Night,

Find out how your neighbors are living lightly on the earth at Ice Cream Sunday Night, Aug. 15 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Holmes-Foster Park, Pavilion 1. We'll eat wonderful local ice cream and share stories and ideas about greening our homes and places of worship. And we'll learn more about how the Creation Care Coalition and PA-IPL can support these efforts. Spread the word by downloading and posting this flier.



April 30-May 2, 2010 Bike to Worship Weekend

Help kick off Bike to Work week with a Bike to Worship Weekend. Click the link for tips, bike routes and events sponsored by the CCC. And don't forget to join us for a Sunday Picnic in the Park at Holmes-Foster Park on Westerly on May 2 from noon to 3 pm.


March 27, 2010  EARTH HOUR

Saturday, March 27, 2010 from 8:30 to 9:30 pm

Join people throughout the world in turning off unessential electrical lights and gadgets.  See the story in the CDT on local efforts that specifically mentions the Creation Care Coalition: http://www.centredaily.com/2010/03/22/1867807/earth-hour-at-penn-state.html


March 21, 2010 Founding meeting of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light

The organizing meeting for Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light will be on Sunday, March 21 from 2:30 to 5:30at the Pasquerilla Center

on the campus of Penn State University, University Park.  Please join us to have your congregation become a founding member of this important group.

Click here for the agenda.



Feb. 13, 2010 Panel Presentation on Copenhagen

On Saturday, Feb. 13 at 2:30 in Schlow Centre Region Library, three Penn State professors who attended the Copenhagen meeting on climate change last December will offer their insights on reflections on this important event.  The panel presentation will feature

  • Nancy Tuana, Director of the Rock Ethics Institute, and DuPont/Class of 1949 Professor of Philosophy, Science, Technology, and Society, and Women’s Studies,
  • Donald A. Brown, Associate Professor of Environmental Ethics, Science, and Law
  • Petra Tschakert, Assistant Professor of Geography, Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (EESI)

Please spread the word about this event in your congregations and your community and post widely the attached flyer.  Here is the flyer.


Sunday, Feb. 7, 2 pm Organizing Meeting for PA-IPL

  All are invited to the general organizing meeting of what we hope will be the Pennsylvania chapter of Interfaith Power and Light.  Follow the work in progress on the FaceBook entitled PA-IPL. More details on this meeting soon.


Jan 8, 20210 HOLIDAY PARTY -


Break in your 2010 calendars by marking Friday, Jan. 8, to attend the Creation Care Coalition holiday party – celebrating Creation Care Epiphanies. The festivities will take place from 6 pm to 8 pm at the home of Jonathan Brockopp. Bring a savory dish to pass or recycle your leftover cheese log or holiday cookies, as we celebrate the promises of a new year. Plan to bring a friend or two whom you’d like to introduce to the work of the Creation Care Coalition. We’ll have some literature available on what we do, and we’ll say a word or two about what to look forward to in 2010.  But mostly it will be a casual, conversational way to meet other people who are answering the call to address climate change and make the world a better place.

Click here for the flyer.


December 7, 2009 - 10% in 2010 Challenge

St. Andrew's Environmental Concerns Committee challenged its own members and the rest of the congregation to reduce their carbon footprints in 2010.  Click here for more information.


November 28, 2009 - Garden Starters at Appalachian Zen House

Rosalind Jiko McIntosh of Appalachian Zen House announces that as part of their Green Appalachia program they will be offering a program to help people begin gardening.  Working with Clearwater, Master Gardeners and others, they will provide mentors, an exhibition garden, and other resources. For more information, please click here:   Garden Starters


November 28, 2009 - Grace Lutheran's "Green Team"

Grace Lutheran Church in State College is starting up a "Green Team." Two of Grace's pastors attended the October conference at Penn State and asked Jon Brockopp to organize the new ministry. A notice in the church newsletter and a little digging by the pastors unearthed 10 members! They are holding their first meeting on December 17 and hope to learn from the good work being done by other congregations in the State College area.


November 28, 2009 - UBBC holds Alternative Fair

University Baptist and Brethren Church will hold an Alternative Christmas Fair on Sunday, Dec. 6, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the basement of the church at 411 S. Burrows St.  At the fair, donations are made to charities of choice in the form of a gift to friends or family members and attractive gift cards are provided.  The fair showcases 20 local, national, and international charitable organizations that offer goods and services to those in need.  For more information on the fair, click here.


Oct 6-9 Stewardship or Sacrifice? Religion and the Ethics of Climate Change

The Conference that started it all. The Creation Care Coalition originally formed to help plan this state-wide conference at Penn State University in October of 2009. Keynote speakers were Rev. Canon Sally Bingham, founder of Interfaith Power and Light, and Penn State climate scientist Michael Mann. The conference fostered the idea of starting a Pennsylvania chapter of IPL, and one year later, in September 2010, PA-IPL was up and running.


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