Educational Activities for Families

More ideas from Love Creation as Yourself

This page was created by Good Shepherd Catholic church for parishioners what were unable to attend its intergenerational religous education program on climate change, Love Creation as Yourself, held in Feb. of 2009. It was part of our GIFT (Generations in Faith Together) program series, which brings all ages together to learn from and with each other. These resources generally follow the flow of the activities that we did at Good Shepherd.


The resources make great at-home activities to explore climate change, and to get a sense of how the Catholic Church is exploring the issue.


Begin with Prayer.

You can use this power-point prayer from St. Francis right from your computer.


 How well do you care for creation right now?


  1.  Complete an on-line ecological footprint of your own energy use. You can do one for adults/families or one for kids or both.
  2. Afterward discuss: What did you learn about your energy use and habits? Were you pleasantly pleased? surprised? disturbed?  What one area needs the most work?


What’s Love got to do with it?

Click here to learn about the Catholic Church’s teaching on caring for creation and discuss how you encounter God in creation.


View the Story of Stuff online.

This 20 minute documentary gives a fast-paced and engaging overview of where our stuff comes from and where it ends up and its  implications for our future.

            Afterward discuss –

·        What surprised you most about this video?

·        What questions were you left with? (Tip – you can view the sources for Annie Leonard’s presentation here)

·        Where are you in this chain of use and consumption?

·        How can you do things differently in the future


Scripture Study 

Read one or more of the scripture passages below and answer the questions that follow


Genesis 1:27-31

Genesis 2: 4-9; 15-25

Genesis 9:8-17

Psalm 24

Leviticus 25: 1-12


1.How are we called to treat creation? In what ways have we violated that responsibility?


2. According to this reading, what is the hope for humankind and for creation?


3. What have you discovered today about our role as human beings in the plan of creation?


Do a Carbon Fast this Lent

Fast from carbon use this Lent. Download this overview, resource and calendar, developed with the help of St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in State College, to select things that you can do to reduce your carbon footprint each day of Lent. (Note: the calendar is from Lent 2009. An updated version will be posted for 2010).


 What do you make of it?

            Gather together several boxes, containers and items that might otherwise end up in the garbage or recycling box and make some beautiful and/or functional items. For example, can you make a bank with an oatmeal can? A cleaning kit with citrus nets for scrubbers, old t-shirts for rags, and containers of vinegar or baking soda for scrubbing? A planter from a plastic berry container and a foam meat tray?


Learn with the Lorax

If you don’t already have it, get a copy of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss out of the library. Read and discuss its implications in your own family life.